Python Project – Login Form

This login form is probably going to be used for many projects, so it’s in a post all by itself.

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"
print "<html>"
print "<head>"
print "<title>Login To Online Quiz</title>"
print "</head>"
print "<body>"

USERNAME   = 'username'
PASSWORD = 'password'
DB = 'mysql-database'

import MySQLdb
import os
#import requests #this script doesn't like this (doesn't fail, just blank screen)

# Import modules for CGI handling 
import cgi, cgitb

def init():
	#read the query params
	params = os.environ.get('QUERY_STRING','nichts')
	#print 'params= ' + str(params)
	#print '<br>'
	#print '<br>'
	res = params.split('=') #TESTS THAT THERE IS A QUERY STRING

	#display based on if params were sent
	if  str(res) == "['']":
		#print ('no query params')
		#print '<br>'

		print "<h2>Login</h2>"
		print "<form action = '' method = 'post'>"

		print "<table width='100%' border='0px' bgcolor=lightgreen>"

		print "<tr>"
		print "<td><strong>User Name:</strong></td>"        
		print "<td><input type = 'text' name = 'uname' placeholder='enter username'></td>"
		print "</tr>"

		print "<tr>"
		print "<td><strong>Password:</strong></td>"        
		print "<td><input type = 'text' name = 'pword' placeholder='enter password'></td>"
		print "</tr>"

		print "<tr>"
		print "<td><input type = 'submit' value = 'Login' /></td>"
		print "</tr>"

		print "</table>"

		print "</form>"

		#print ('some params were passed - show them')
		#print '<br>'
		#searchParams is an array of type [['key','value'],['key','value']]	
		searchParams = [i.split('=') for i in params.split('&')] #parse query string
		for key, value in searchParams:
			#print('<b>' + key + '</b>: ' + value + '<br>\n')
			if key == 'login':
				form = cgi.FieldStorage() 
				uname = form.getvalue('uname')
				pword = form.getvalue('pword')

				#print ("login: " + uname + " " + pword + "<br>now call login<br><br>")			

def login(username,password):

	conn = MySQLdb.connect('localhost',USERNAME,PASSWORD,DB)

	cursor = conn.cursor()

	#Python will handle the escape string for apostrophes and other invalid SQL characters for you

	sql = "SELECT `u_login`, `u_password` FROM `tblUsers` WHERE u_login = %s AND u_password= %s "

	cursor.execute(sql, (username, password))

	# Get the number of rows in the result set
	numrows = cursor.rowcount
	#print('<br><br>numrows = ' + str(numrows) + '<br><br>' ) 	
	if numrows > 0:	
		print '<font color=green>**************Login Successful**************</font><br><br>Please wait while we redirect you...'
		print '<font color=red>**************Login Failed**************</font><br><br>'
		print "<a href=''>Try Again</a>"

	# Close the connection

#start here:

print "</body>"
print "</html>"

Click here to see it in action

BTW: The user name and password are

Click here for the online quiz management main project link

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How To Get Query Parameters In Python